Planetary dosha/Grahadosha is a Sastra/Science.

Planetary dosha/Grahadosha is a Sastra/Science.


Man is a social animal. He cannot live in isolation. The environmental changes definitely will effect his/her life.
Likewise all these planets and constellations are the part and parcel of this universe. Man is not separate from this universe. If anything happens in this universe it is bound to affect him. Even if a blade of grass is plucked then it is bound to affect the universe. This is called ecological imbalance.
Sun rays take eight minutes to touch this earth. Depending on the rays touching this earth at the time and place of birth, the karma of the individual depends. In other words, as per the karma of the individual, his birth time and place is predetermined or predestined. Instead of sighing, we must make every effort to change our life if it is not coming properly.
Hence we must mode our life correctly and properly by removing the planetary/constellation faults.  
Planetary dosha/Grahadosha is a Sastra/Science.


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