Jaiguru, Diabetes, Obesity (मोटापन) , lever problems, Heart problems like blocks, even people with stents, Blood pressure (High and low), stomach problems, Thyroid, and even kidney problems. P.S: Stop using all types of tablets from the day one. ex: Diabetes, Blood pressure Total period of course: 90 days. Foods to be avoided completely: Fruits, Milk, curd (दही) , cereals (rice, wheat etc), pulses (all types of दाल ), sweet potato, potato, colocassia ( अरब्बी ) , beetroot (चुकंदर) , beans. How food is to be taken: 1)Early morning with empty stomach, take a tumbler filled with hot water and half lemon juice. Add four tea spoons of pure COCONUT oil. Take it in. 2) Almond ( बादाम) , wall nuts, Pistachios (पिस्ता) must be taken as much as you can. Ex: 15 to 30. 3)Pumpkin ( खद्दू), Sunflower, sesame ( तिल), watermelon , Flax, seeds to be fried in Pure Desi Cow ghee (clarified butter). 4) Only sea salt must be used. No iodised...