Beeja mantras

Chamundee mantra:
Face east. Sit straight with spinal cord erect. Fix gaze in kootastha.  Do it 108 times, 41 days morning and evening. This will help us to come out of Maya and get into Trance.
These   Mudras are to be applied according to chakras.
Mooladhaara  – Prihvee mudra --  press ring finger and Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Swaadhistaana – Varuna mudra - press little finger and Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Manipura – Agni- Press ring finger and root of the Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Anaahata – vaayu- Press index finger and root of the Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Visuddha Soonya- Press middle finger and root of the Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Agnaa negative – Gnaana Mudra - Press index finger and  Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Kootastha or Agnaa Positive –Gnaana Mudra- Press index finger and Thumb together, rest of the fingers straight.
Sahasraara – Sahaja Mudra- Clasp all the fingers of both the hands , press the pelvis underneath the navel. Press the navel with both the thumbs.
Now I will chant important Moola mantra.
Om Hraim Hreem Kreem Chaamundaayai namah
Om  - Mooladhaara  – Prihvee mudra
Hraim - Swaadhistaana – Varuna mudra
Hreem Manipura – Agni
Kreem Anaahata – vaayu
Chaamundaayai Visuddha Soonya
namah Kootastha or Agnaa Positive –Gnaana Mudra
Tense and apply consciousness on these chakras. Apply appropriate Mudra.  Chant this Mantra 108 times at least  for 41 days, morning and evening,  one will get valour and courage. One will be triumphant in his work. Or  chant this Mantra in kootstha, the place between eye brows, with Gnana or Sahaja mudra.  
Ganapati mantra
Face east. Sit straight with spinal cord erect. Fix gaze in kootastha. 
Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapataye Namah
Om -- Mooladhaara  – Prihvee mudra
Shreem-- Swaadhistaana – Varuna mudra  
Hreem -- Manipura – Agni
Kleem -- Anaahata – vaayu
Glaum -- Visuddha Soonya
Gam  -- Agnaa negative – Gnaana Mudra
Ganapataye-- Kootastha or Agnaa Positive –Gnaana Mudra  
Namah  -- Sahasraara – Sahaja Mudra
Tense and apply consciousness on these chakras. Apply appropriate Mudra. Chant
By chanting this mantra 108 times at least FOR 41 DAYS all round improvement will be gained. One may get into trance.
Tense and apply consciousness on these chakras. Apply appropriate Mudra.  Chant this Mantra 108 times at least  for 41 days, morning and evening,  Or  chant this Mantra in kootstha, the place between eye brows, with Gnana or Sahaja mudra.  
One will get trance or Samadhi. All his obstacles will be removed.

Gayatri  and Maha mrityunjaya mantras:
Face east. Sit straight with spinal cord erect. Fix gaze in kootastha. First chant Gayatri. Immediately chant Maha mrityunjaya mantra. Do it 108 times, 41 days morning and evening. This will help us to come out of Maya and get into Trance.

Om boorbhuvaswaha   tasavitarvarenyam
Bhargodevasya dheemahi  dheeyoyonah prachodayaatu

Om hrom om joom saha boorbhuvaswaha
Om trayambakam yajaamahe sugandhi pushtivardhanam
Uruvaarakamivabandhanaat mriyormukh sheeyamaamritaat 

Lakshmi Moola
Now I will chant another important Lakshmi Moola mantra.
Face east. Sit straight with spinal cord erect. Fix gaze in kootastha.

Om hreem shreem lakshmibhyom namaha
Om   Mooladhaara  – Prihvee mudra
Hreem – Swadhistana – Varuna mudra
Shreem   – Manipura – Agni
Lakshmibhyom   Anaahata – vaayu
Namaha  – Visuddha Soonya
Tense and apply consciousness on these chakras. Apply appropriate Mudra.  Chant this Mantra 108 times at least  for 41 days, morning and evening,  One will overcome his financial problems. Or chant this Mantra in kootstha, the place between eye brows, with Gnana or Sahaja mudra.

Saraswati Moola mantra:
Now I will chant important Saraswati Moola mantra.
Face east. Sit straight with spinal cord erect. Fix gaze in kootastha.

Om Shreem Hreem Saraswatyai namah
Om  - Mooladhaara  – Prihvee mudra
Shreem - Swaadhistaana – Varuna mudra
Hreem - Manipura – Agni
Saraswatyai  Anaahata – vaayu
namah  Visuddha Soonya
Tense and apply consciousness on these chakras. Apply appropriate Mudra. Or  chant this Mantra in kootstha, the place between eye brows, with Gnana or Sahaja mudra.  Chant this Mantra 108 times at least  for 41 days,morning and evening, one will get wonderful life.


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