If Rahu & Ketu are having existence in the Rasis beginning with Mesham (Aeries) and if all the other planets lie within these two Rahu & Ketu shadow planets, i.e., in clockwise direction, then it is called KalasarpaDosha.
If Rahu & Ketu are having existence in the Rasis beginning with Meenam(Pisces) and if all the other planets lie within these two Rahu & Ketu shadow planets, i.e., in clockwise direction, then it is called  Vipareeta Kalasarpa Dosha.  
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Sahasrara Chakra. Adopt Lingamudra. Chant 108 times ‘’Raaaaaam’’morning and evening for 41 days.  
This will remove Kalasarpadosha.
2) GuruDosha: 
Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to education and marriage.  
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Swadhistana Chakra. Adopt  Varuna mudra. Chant 108 times ‘’Vam’’ morning and evening for 41 days.  This will remove GuruDosha.
3) Sukra Dosha:
Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to lack of offspring, or not getting offspring, difficulties, dispute and conlflicts in domestic affairs, and veerya dosha i.e., lack of semen.  
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Visuddha Chakra. Adopt Akasa or Sunya mudra. Chant 108 times ‘’Ham’’ morning and evening for 41 days.  This will remove Sukradosha.

4) Chandra Dosha:

Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to mental, business  and work or duty. .  
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Anahata Chakra. Adopt Vayu mudra. Chant 108 times ‘’Yam’’ morning and evening for 41 days.  This will remove Chandra dosha.

5) Sani Dosha:

Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to Poverty, Household problems and daily affairs.  
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Mooladhara Chakra. Adopt Prithvi mudra. Chant 108 times ‘’Lam’’ morning and evening for 41 days.  This will remove Sani Dosha.

6) Kuja Dosha:

Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to enemies and self related problems.   
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Manipura Chakra. Adopt  Agni mudra. Chant 108 times ‘’Ram’’ morning and evening for 41 days.  This will remove Kuja dosha.

7) Budha Dosha:

Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to business, education, and the problems created by himself.   
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Agna negative Chakra. Adopt Gnana Mudra.  Chant 108 times ‘’OM’’ morning and evening for 41 days.   
Now Tense Agna positive Chakra. Adopt Gnana Mudra.  Chant 108 times ‘’OM’’ morning and evening for 41 days.  This will remove Budha dosha.

8) Ravi Dosha:

Due to this Dosha(fault) a person may have to face problems in regard to education, lack of spiritual awakening and financial problems.   
Sit erect in Vajrasana, Padmasana or Sukhaasana with Gnaana Mudra. Press top of index finger with top of thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Face East or North. Get relaxed. Put your gaze fixed in Kootastha. 
Do this Kriya in Khechari Mudra.
Do Antah Kumbhakam(Fission) and Baahya Kumbhakam(Fusion) in Moolaadhar(4 times), Swadhi stana (6 times), Manipura(10 times), Anahata (12 times), Visuddha(16 times), Agna negative (18 times) and Agna positive(20 times).
Now Tense Sahasrara Chakra. Adopt Linga Mudra.  Chant 108 times ‘’RAAAAM’’ morning and evening for 41 days.   





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