49 Maruts mentioned by Sri Sri Yogiraj LahiriMahasya Maharaj
50 Maruts mentioned by Sri Sri Yogiraj LahiriMahasya Maharaj. Aakasha is the source of shabda. Vaayu is the source of sparsha .& shabda. Agni is the source of Roopa, sparsha .& shabda. Varuna/jal is the source of Rasa,Roopa, sparsha & shabda. Prithvee is the source of gandha, Rasa, Roopa, sparsha&shabda. Gandha(smell), Rasa(taste),Roopa(form), sparsha(touch) & shabda(sound) are nothing but different spandanas/vibrations/frequencies. OM is the source of all these vibrations/frequencies. This OM is called Sookshma Pranashakti/subtle life force/ MukhyaPrana. This Sookshma Pranashakti/subtle life force i.e., OM will be manifesting as Prana shakti after entering the human body. This life force is called as Prana, apaana, vyaana, samaana, & Udana as per its works at different places in the body. All these along with Mukhya Prana/Life force is further manifested as 50 sub airs or Maruts. Marut means air. Each Marut ...