Kriyayogasadhana—Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam Ohm Sri Yognanda Guru Parabrahmanenamah Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam means eulogizing Paramaatma(God the father) in different names. To attain God there are only two ways. 1) to make the unsteady life force steady, or 2) to make the unsteady mind steady. If the mind is made steady then the unsteady life force becomes steady and vice versa. Both are complementary to each other. Life force and mind are the two sides of the same coin. To make the unsteady life force steady is called Pranayamam. It is easier method to Saadhakas. To make the unsteady mind steady is called wisdom process. It is difficult process. By meditating on Paramatma with several names make the unsteady mind steady.attainment of God will be easier. Har i ...