Kriyaayoga Parabrahman or Paramatma or Spirit is the first male. It contains Paraprakriti i.e., Primordial Power. Paraprakriti is Radha. Each and every Soul which appears to be separate is Paramatma only. Sat means ever existing. Chith means ever conscious. And Ananda means ever happy. Birth comes due to Karma. Planets align themselves as per the Karma at the time of Birth. Then the astral body enters the female vagina and will become the cause of physical body. Death means the separation of Physical and astral or subtle bodies due to the completion of Prarabdha karma which is the root cause of birth. If man can consciously separate the Soul from the body when he is alive, then death cannot cause any pain or misery. But to reach this state, incessant and disciplined meditation is required. With the grace of Sadguru, the sadhaka or meditating man shall be able to cleanse the spinal chord consisting of Moolaadhara, Swadhistaana, Manipura, Anahata, Vis...