
Showing posts from June, 2011

books & DVDs

  . Dear Atman,                                                                          Hyderabad   Jaiguru.                                                                                 29/06/2011 I am a disciple of Sri Paramahans...

Creation, Kundalini & Kriya Yoga

Dear brothers and sisters, Namaskar. To utilize Swasa i.e., breath as Astra i.e., weapon is called Swastra. In general usage the Swastra has become Sastra. The one who knows is called Sastry. Iam one amongst those sastrees. I am Kowta Markandeya Sastry from Hyderabad . Kriya is the initiation into consciousness. By Kriya practice the consciousness is transferred to the spine and brain and thus transmuted into superconsciousness and ultimately into Cosmic consciousness. The purpose of Kriya is to magnetize the spine by circulating life current lengthwise around it, thereby withdrawing life current temporarily from the sensory nerves and involuntary organs, and concentrating it in the centres of life   and consciousness in the spine. This kriya practice liberates consciousness from mortal body and establishes the mind on the spinal altar of eternal spiritual consciousness. Prana: The entry & seat of Prana is the medullaoblangata. Two kinds of Prana—1) cosmic energy, cause of t...